Tuesday, December 13, 2011

No 365 The One Year Birthday

YES A TOTAL OF 365 Paintings
Self Portrait
8 x 8 Oil on gessoed board
Well if someone really want a painting of me, email me and we can discuss price.

This is my three hundred and sixty firth painting - than being a full one years worth of paintings. I set out to accomplish this and am really proud of doing this. I didn't paint everyday as sometime live gets in the way of the easel and paints. I am going to continue to paint and post everyday. the paintings will be about the some size as before. I have made selves in my studio and covered all the walls with more than two hundred and fifty paintings. It was a real revelation to see No 001 and see what and how I was painting today, the progression has been great and feel that I have improved and moved a great distance forward in my artistic career.

1 comment:

  1. Great painting. Love the bright colours and the highlights.
